Operation Smile CIA

Operation Smile UAE provides free surgeries to repair cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities for children around the world. Around 2 years ago, OSCIA was founded by students from the GEMS Cambridge International Abu Dhabi to spread awareness and increase funds for Operation Smile.
Check out more details and links down below

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The Operation Smile CIA Newsletter!

As we all know, 2020 and the events that followed made it a tumultuous year; with the ongoing pandemic fo example that changed our everyday lives and put everyone at risk. Operation Smile was not shy of being affected. We had to make certain changes to ensure that everyone stayed safe and healthy that really did prove detrimental. It not only changed the way Operation Smile raised funds but also how we as students found that by going virtual we were limited to how we could help. Thus, we formulated the OSCIA newsletter that was really months in the making. Every month we launch a new edition with content on different topics and exciting announcements.

Check out this month's newsletter below and a collection of our past editions!